Best Early Game Amulets in Prince of Persia (PoP): The Lost Crown
The best amulets that you can get relatively early in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown.
Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown has a lot of upgrades waiting for you to find. Some of these upgrades are meant to help progress through levels. Whereas others intend to help you go through areas and enemies that are otherwise too difficult to handle.
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Playing as Sargon, you have access to a number of tools; his swords, bow, and Chakram may get the most love, but Amulets are also crucial items to look out for. They provide a number of varied benefits, from simple stat boosts to entirely new abilities.
Due to the important role of amulets, and the fact that many of them require careful exploration to acquire, we’ve listed the best amulets to equip in the early game so you can significantly improve your gameplay.
Keep in mind that this list is largely opinion-based, and the way you like to play and what you like to focus on throughout your playthrough will influence your selection of amulets. We encourage you to experiment and find combinations that suit you best. Nevertheless, some amulets are simply just better than others.
Blade Dancer
- Effect: Land a fourth attack at the end of a standard combo
- Cost: Two
- Increased melee damage
- Increased stunlock
- Very easy to get
How to Get: This first amulet is the easiest to get, as you’ll receive it while playing the main story. Varham will give it you once you join forces with him during the third mission.
Equipping it allows you to do a fourth hit during your combo, increasing your damage output. However, while the extra damage is nice, the extended stunlock you can put your enemies in is even better. Furthermore, upgrading it to +1 and +2 adds a fifth and sixth hit, respectively.
Four Royal Stars
- Effect: Slightly increases all melee damage in the air.
- Cost: Two
- Increased damage
- Has a lot of utility, as you’ll spend a lot of time in the air during combat (and outside combat too).
How to Get: You can find this amulet in the upper city. From the top of the citadel elevator, head left and climb up, then continue left past the traps to find a chest in the corner.
Speaking of increasing melee damage, Four Royal Stars might be more useful than the Blade Dancer in this regard. This is because you’ll often find yourself jumping to dodge attacks or juggling enemies. Even outside these situations, squeezing in a jump during attacks isn’t the riskiest move. Therefore, the Four Royal Stars will almost always be used.
- Effect: Slightly increase max health. The additional health boost can only be regenerated at Wak-Wak trees.
- Cost: One
- Increased survivability
- Especially useful in early game, as Sargon only has 3 health bars.
- Low cost
How to Get: This is the first amulet you’ll find in the game. You can get it when you first reach the Haven by talking to the Mage.
This is a great amulet for the early game and newcomers as it gives room for more errors between Wak-Wak Trees. Therefore, its a great tool for when you’re learning the game or simply have not upgraded Sargon’s abilities yet.
Furthermore, upgrading it gives you up to three extra health bars.
Dragon King
- Effect: One-time protection from a killing blow by restoring a slight amount of health. Resets at Wak-Wak Trees.
- Cost: Three
- Increased survivability
- Great for when you’re overwhelmed by enemies or fighting a tough boss.
How to Get: You can get this amulet in the Sacred Archives when you first start the Moon Gatherer Quest.
The Dragon King not only gives you a second life, it pushes back enemies when they land a killing blow, allowing you to regroup or escape. Like the amulet before it, the Dragon King is great because it gives room for more errors, and because health refills are very limited in this game, amulets like these are very valuable.
Arslan’s Glory
- Effect: Slightly increase melee attack power while in full health
- Cost: One
- Increased damage
- Allows for fast clearing of areas.
How to Get: Release the first Spirited-Sand Jar in the Prophecy of Mount Qaf quest.
While the condition is very situational, Arslan’s Glory allows for very fast clearing and makes backtracking quite a lot easier. Furthermore, combining this amulet with Blade Dancer and Four Royal Stars will turn you into an offensive juggernaut.
Honorable Mention: Prosperity Bird
- Effect: Hear a special sound when near a treasure chest or hidden item.
- Cost: None
- Easier exploration
- Less likely to miss items
How to Get: Deluxe Edition Reward
Exploration is a big part of PoP: The Lost Crown, and this amulet makes that aspect much more easier. However, as it is a deluxe edition reward, a lot of players will not have access to it.
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